What Are The Different Types Of Rhinoplasty Procedures?
There are many different kinds of nasal surgeries including but not limited to: Reduction Rhinoplasty, Augmentation Rhinoplasty, Post-Traumatic Rhinoplasty, Reconstructive Rhinoplasty, Ethnic Rhinoplasty, Refinement Rhinoplasty, Revision Rhinoplasty, Septoplasty, Turbinoplasty, and Alarplasty. Each have their own uses and outcomes depending on the procedure being performed.
Reduction Rhinoplasty
Commonly known as a nose job, Reduction Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure for correcting and reconstructing the form, restoring the functions, and aesthetically enhancing the nose by resolving nasal trauma, congenital defect, respiratory impediment, or a failed primary rhinoplasty. Most patients ask to remove a bump, narrow nostril width, change the angle between the nose and the mouth, as well as correct injuries, birth defects, or other problems that affect breathing, such as deviated nasal septum or a sinus condition.
Augmentation Rhinoplasty
A cosmetic surgery procedure performed to increase the size of specific parts of a person’s nose to give it a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. The procedure, among others, can add height to the nose bridge or alter the shape of the nasal tip to increase its projection.
Post-Traumatic Rhinoplasty
A procedure to address injuries to the nose that can lead to damaged airways, deformation, broken bones, and lost cartilage support. The most common causes of these injuries are usually a result from sports injuries, car accidents, and fights.
Reconstructive Rhinoplasty
Following surgery to remove cancer or occasionally following facial trauma, the nose may be left severely disfigured due to the lack of tissue that has been removed or lost. Reconstructive Rhinoplasty refers to surgery required to restore tissue that is absent or has been damaged beyond repair. Surgical repair requires the use of grafts and flaps from various parts of the body to restore the missing component tissues.
Ethnic Rhinoplasty
A nasal surgery where the nose is surgically altered to create a symmetrical, aesthetically pleasing nose that suits the individual patient’s face without diminishing the patient’s ethnic characteristics.
Refinement Rhinoplasty
Complaints about the nasal tip rank among the top reasons for rhinoplasty surgery. Many patients are unhappy with the way their nose points up or down at the tip, how bulbous or round the tip appears, or how pointy the tip is. Refinement Rhinoplasty can involve various tactics to fine-tune the nasal tip in a more pleasing fashion, one that complements the other features of the face. Your surgeon may add or remove cartilage and tissue in order to perfect the tip’s shape or direction.
Revision Rhinoplasty
A surgical procedure designed to repair both form and function of a nose that has previously been operated on. Many people have difficult breathing from their nose or are dissatisfied with the cosmetic appearance of their nose as a result of prior nasal surgery.
A surgical procedure that’s done to fix a deviated nasal septum. The septum is the wall of bone and cartilage that divides your nose into two separate nostrils. A deviated septum occurs when your septum is moved to one side of your nose. Some people are born with a deviated septum, but it can also be caused by an injury to your nose.
A procedure to decrease the size of the turbinates. In short, turbinates are structures along the side wall of the nose that can swell and cause obstruction. By reducing their size, your breathing can be improved.
A procedure where the sides of the nose at the bottom which are referred to as the alar are reshaped. In most cases this involves narrowing or reshaping the nose to improve the balance in relation to the base and the other structures of the nose.
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Surgeons don't want any weight or pressure resting on the nose following nasal surgery, NoseComfort® Plus Eyeglass Support allows you to wear your eyewear comfortably without putting pressure on the healing nasal bones. Don't forget to mention NoseComfort® Plus Eyeglass Support to your surgeon.
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