Where Is A Rhinoplasty Typically Performed?

Where Is A Rhinoplasty Typically Performed?

Most Rhinoplasties are performed in your surgeons office-based surgical facility that should be fully accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF) or, if they don't have their own surgical facility, your surgeon should have the ability to perform surgery at an accredited hospitals nearest to them where they can operate in a safe and comfortable environment.

Wear Glasses? NoseComfort® Plus Is The Solution

Surgeons don't want any weight or pressure resting on the nose following nasal surgery, NoseComfort® Plus Eyeglass Support allows you to wear your eyewear comfortably without putting pressure on the healing nasal bones. Don't forget to mention NoseComfort® Plus Eyeglass Support to your surgeon.

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